Root canals used to be feared, today they are welcome as opposed to possibly losing a tooth! Read more about the improved procedure and thank you for visiting Shoreline Endodontics, Groton, CT.
CHICAGO, Ill., USA: According to a recent survey by the American Association of Endodontists (AAE), 78 percent of respondents say they would rather avoid getting the flu than having root canal treatment. The same number also say they would rather avoid losing a permanent tooth, which is something root canal treatment can help keep from happening.
“Maybe it’s time to change the old, ‘I’d rather have a root canal…’ saying to ‘I’d rather have the flu…’ for something I really don’t want to do,” said AAE President Dr. Robert S. Roda, an endodontist in Scottsdale, Ariz. “The root canal procedures of your parents or grandparents are no more. Thanks to advancements in techniques and technologies, today’s root canal treatment is virtually painless.”
During its ninth annual Root Canal Awareness Week, March 22-28, the AAE wants to dispel myths surrounding root canal treatment and encourage general dentists to involve endodontists in case assessment and treatment planning to save patients’ natural teeth.
“Being part of a team of generalists and specialists is the best way to develop true multidisciplinary treatment planning and provide the greatest chance for good outcomes,” Roda said. “Together we provide patients with comfortable treatment and positive experiences resulting in high-quality care to help them save their natural teeth.”
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