If this is your first time logging in, please call the office to obtain your User ID and Password. (860) 446-2357
Please follow the tabs below to begin your registration:
Please bring the following to your appointment:
- Referral slip and any X-rays from your dentist’s office
- List of any medications you are presently taking
- Dental insurance information (if applicable)
- Photo ID
- Headphones and music players are welcome
- After initial contact with our office, we will email an appointment reminder that will allow you to login to our secure website to register electronically.
- Upon check-in, we will take a digital photo. You will be asked to confirm your registration information and the consent form is reviewed online with a digital signature.
- Consult – Additional images may be needed for diagnosis. Treatment options and recommendations will be given.
- The time necessary to deliver thorough treatment varies for each patient. We will make every attempt to keep waiting times to a minimum while we deliver quality care to all patients.
- Treatment – Adequate local anesthesia will be administered to numb the area.
Root canal treatments vary between $1,000 and $1,600 depending on the tooth and special circumstances. We will do our best to accurately estimate your insurance coverage. Your estimated balance is due on the day of treatment. After insurance pays its portion, the remaining balance is the patient’s responsibility.
Our office participates with the following companies:
- Anthem BC/BS of CT (we do not participate with BC/BS of RI)
- United Concordia, National Fee for Service
- Mashantucket Pequot Network
- Delta Dental of NJ and Delta Dental USA Network (DD of RI local plan, please contact your carrier for verification
If you do not have dental insurance, payment in full is due the day of treatment. We accept all major credit cards and participate with Care Credit for patients needing to finance their treatment.
491 Gold Star Highway, Suite 200
Groton, CT 06340
(860) 446-2357
Office Hours:
Mon, Tues, Thurs: 8 am to 5 pm
Wed, Fri: 8 am to 1 pm