Research continues to show again and again the relationship between gum disease and other chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Read on to learn more, and thanks for visiting Shoreline Endodontics of Groton, CT.
A growing body of evidence shows that periodontal disease is associated with negative systemic health consequences for patients with certain diseases and conditions.
To determine the effects of periodontal disease therapy on medical costs and hospitalizations among patients with five systemic conditions, University of Pennsylvania researchers conducted a retrospective study to see if such treatment might prevent or mitigate some of the adverse effects associated with the conditions.
They found significant reductions in both healthcare costs and hospital admissions for pregnant women and patients with type 2 diabetes, coronary artery disease, and cerebral vascular disease who had been treated for periodontal disease, according to a new study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine (June 18, 2014).
The biggest impact was among pregnant women who received treatment. Their medical costs were 74% lower than those with untreated periodontal disease. Patients with diabetes (40.2%) or cerebral vascular disease (40.9%) had significantly lower medical costs. For those with coronary artery disease, costs were 10.7% lower with treatments.
Periodontal disease is believed to impact systemic health via the dissemination of bacteria. The deep pockets often present in patients with periodontal disease offer a favorable environment for the proliferation of pathogenic plaque bacteria and facilitate the entry of bacteria and bacterial products into the bloodstream of otherwise healthy patients via ulcerated and inflamed tissues. Studies have also linked periodontal disease with premature birth in pregnant women.
Treatment of periodontal disease can be as simple as cleaning the teeth above and below the gum line with scaling and root planing) or surgery in more advanced cases.
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